Saturday, December 27, 2008

Yep. Still here.

Yes, yes, I know it seems like we've fallen off the face of the planet yet again but no... I thought it'd be a nice new year present to inform you that yes, we are still alive and kicking. Although barely - on Megan's part. We both had a pretty crazy week coming out of school but then Megan had to go and lose her voice and go and see her FAMILY during CHRISTMAS (I know, right?)... so that put a haul on things.

However, we don't need a podcast for us to talk, right? I mean, I added a poll (about TEA - what else!) for your voting enjoyment. And I thought I would also pose the question: "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas" and why?

Thanks for checking in! And have an awesome new year.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Unedited Podcast 20: Triumphant Return!

So, after an extra-long absence, we have an extra-long podcast to remind you that we still love you. Also, because a) we got comments! and b) we got ourselves a guest host! This week, Will joins us to talk about the US election, Obama, Palin and how not to use a cell phone. Let us know what you think and feel free to complain or compliment.

To direct download this episode, right-click here (or the title of this post) and choose Save Target As... OR check our left side bar for instructions on just how easy it is to subscribe to iTunes so that the episodes download automatically to your listening device.


P.S. See prior post for Jordan's extra-long comment on global warming.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A post and a promise for more to come!

Dear listeners, do not fear! A podcast is on its way as we speak, in fact, here is Jordan's e-mail that we promised we would post up IN the podcast to come - just in case you thought I was joking. I edited it down a bit into the places that we touched on during the podcast. Thanks for listening!


Hey Megan and Rosy,

You just happened to pick one of my favourite controversial issues for this podcast,and because of that, for me, ten minutes is not nearly enough time to completely dissect the issue.

I know Megan brought this up, and you were completely right is saying that the earth contributes to global warming. The earth naturally goes through cycles in which the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere fluctuate. But on the whole, everything stays at equilibrium. The potentially disastrous effects of global warming would happen, even without human intervention. It has happened before, or at least we think so. Some scientists believe that when the asteroid that was responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs impacted with the earth, it triggered a chain reaction of volcanic eruptions along the ring of fire in the pacific ocean. Now, a single volcanic eruption emits about 150 times the amount of greenhouse gases than humans do in a year (roughly), and the ring of fire contains about 1500 volcanoes. When all these volcanoes went off, the sun literally was blotted out. Short-wavelenth rays such as UV and gamma rays could penetrate the atmostphere, but the necessary rays for photosynthesis could not. Therefore the earth could not adapt to this sudden change in conditions fast enough which led to the dinosaurs extinction. Over time the earth recovered, but it took a while. The fact that such an event has already happened means that it can very well happen again whether by freak circumstances, or our own stupidity. Mother Nature is an amazing thing as she has the ability to handle a lot of domestic abuse by her children. The carbon emissions that our civilization puts out can be dealt with by the earth easily. The immense forests, and the massive oceans are all tools that the earth uses to balance out the carbon equation. The forests use photosynthesis to use up carbon and spew out oxygen while the oceans actually dissolve so much carbon that I can't find a suitable analogy for it. The bid issue is, however, that our civilization is obsessed with screwing with the forests. We are harvesting the forests so much that the earth now can't balance out the carbon equation as well as it should be able to. Now these harmful gases react with the atmosphere and BAM! skin cancer.

You also mentioned the Oil and Gas industry as being a huge contributor to our global warming problems, and I couldn't agree more. The plants and refineries spew out toxic gases 24/7 and nobody wants to tell them that its wrong. Except maybe the hippies, but no one listens to them. And besides, when the world's economy is based off of oil and gas, who are we to stop it? Sure they will slow down on their emissions, but they won't stop it. That would just cost too damn much. And anyways, the only way to completely stop the emission of carbon is to stop that industry all together. And right now there is no money in a carbon free world! Where else could a country mine its own oil, refine its own oil, and BUY OIL FROM THE SAUDI'S?!? WTF?

....okay I got a little carried away...

Oh, and Rosy, David Suzuki is not just "one really smart scientist", he is a friggin genious, okay? In a world corrupted by money and "new and improved" ways of solving the most menial tasks with the most complicated methods, he preaches basic "get your head out of your ass" logic. Do the small things, make a difference. That's what he says. Walk, don't drive two blocks down the street. Recycle. Use city transit. Put on a sweater instead of cranking up the heat. Easy, right? Wrong. As simple as that sounds, the majority of people will not do that. They don't want to exercise their muscles and walk. They don't want to be bothered to bring ther cans to the depot. They don't want to be associated with the disgusting masses using public transit. And anyways, pushing a button is MUCH easier than pulling on a sweater! Thats where it is hard to make a difference. People in general find it insanely hard to give up a few small things just to make a huge difference for the environment. Not everybody thinks the same way.

Now, its Fake-Fact time. 1% of the greenhouse gases come from cows. Okay. So. That one is way off. Cows are actually known to produce a shitload (literally) of methane gas, which is one of the greenhouse gases. I had to look some of these numbers up, and here they are: cows, as a whole, contribute about 14% of the greenhouse gas emissions. You were close with the 0.0001%... kinda. The average cow expels anywhere from 100-500 litres of methane per day. And you thought us guys had bad gas! Compared to humanity that's really not too much, but the percentage of gas compared to its population size, that's impressive. But realistically we shouldn't be putting the blame on our bovine friends. Those gas-bags can't help it, unlike us.

And that's about it for my two cents...or maybe five dollars.

Keep up the good work! Jordan

Oh and PS. Megan I thought you'd like to know that Sara Palin was responsible for Manny Legace ( a goalie for the St. Louis Blues) hurting his hip flexor. He slipped on the carpet they layed out for her when she was going to drop the puck at the game. Just thought you'd like to know. and PPS check out this New Zealand ad. Government taxing Livestock flatulence?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Unedited Podcast 19: But Polar Bears LIKE Swimming!

This week, we have several shout outs and then will eventually get to global warming. No, it's not just you. It IS getting hot in here, although the reason varies depending on who you ask.

To direct download this episode, right click here or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... OR follow the instructions in the left sidebar to subscribe through iTunes.

By the way, to go about getting a copy of Megan's book, check out or email

Unedited Team

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Concerning Our Credibility

Dear Unedited podcast listeners,

I realize that it has been a while since I've said hi - at least on the blog - as I've just left it all up to Megan to maintain it as of late. Which is not cool because I am supposed to be the social-relations end of things and Megan's supposed to be the techy one (roles that neither of us really decided on) but, well, what can you do?

Any-hoo, Anton brought up the issue that we really aren't "unedited", in lieu of what is claimed by the title of the podcast and so I just wanted to clear up some misgivings that may surround the issue. True, we do edit our podcasts but as Anton guessed, it is mainly to cut out our fifteen-minute-long rants. However, just for you to keep in mind Anton: your podcast title is more of a "guideline," as you may, or, it speaks much more for the content and less for the actual podcast.

The point: our subject matter and more importantly our opinions are unedited. The actual podcast?

Well, let's just say it's in your best interest.

Have a great week!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Unedited Podcast 18: All in the Family

This episode is combination of Thanksgiving blather, talking about family gatherings and speculating about the concequences turning 18 will have on where we sit. Kiddie table? With the adults? It's just light chit chat to follow up our last episode, which ran pretty long. We're still open for feed back for episode 17, as well, so if you want to get your two-cents in, we'll include it in the next podcast as well as what you guys have to say about this one. Tell us about your Thanksgiving traditions!

To direct download the podcast, right click here or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... OR go to iTunes and subscribe to the podcast for regular updates without lifting a finger.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Unedited Podcast 17: Baby Blues

After a short disappearance (sorry!), we return to tackle the issue of abortion. Where do you stand in the pro-life, pro-choice debate? We talk about that and related issues, as well as discuss the comments we received on our last episode about cliques. If you didn't catch the last issue, check it out and here what some of your fellow listeners had to say; thanks to everyone who left feedback! Also, sorry that this episode is so long. It was a big topic and we had several shout outs to make.

As per usual, you can direct download the episode by right-clicking here or the title of this post and choosing Save Target As... OR you can just follow the instructions in the left side bar for how to subscribe using iTunes so that you can have them download straight to your MP3 player.

The article mentioned in the episode can be found here, at YA for Obama and titled Choice and Extremism. It's by Lauren McLaughlin and she makes quite the convincing arguement. Check it out; they have a lot of interesting articles up, actually.



Friday, September 19, 2008

Unedited Podcast 16: Social Security in Numbers

This week, we discuss cliques, popularity, geekdom and where we all connect. What group do you belong to? Do you have to belong to any group at all? Plus, of course, we have a fake fact of the week and an interesting... theory after the final music.
(Note: If you're part of a certain clique and we've offended you, tell us! We want to hear about it and you can set the record straight.)

As per usual, to download the podcast directly, right click here or the title of the post and choose Save Target As... OR you can go to iTunes and subscribe so that it downloads directly to your computer every time we post a new episode. (See left side bar for super easy instructions.)


Friday, September 12, 2008

Unedited Podcast 15: Soul What?

We're back in the deep end this week as we talk about the soul. This week's episode is shorter than the last several, so let us know if we should shoot for this length more often. Also, leave us some comments; we miss them!

As per usual, you can direct download the episode by right-clicking here or the title of this post and choosing Save Target As... OR you can just subscribe through iTunes as is described in the left sidebar.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

This and That and Housecleaning

So I've realized that sometimes I sound like an idiot on the air ("even if it was like... yeah. Like, even if it was like, like...") and this made me think: what are my annoying traits? I mean, I know that I can't tell a story to save my life, and that sometimes I'm a bit too intense and people don't realize I'm joking and decide that I'm just being a bitch for fun and I do snap my gum far too much... but, well, that's stuff I know. The question is: how many things do you do subconsciously? Good or bad? Kind of makes you wonder how other people see you, huh?

But that's just the thought of the day. On other fun podcasting tidbits...

Megan and I have decided that we might be starting a "Spot the Lyric!" game soon. I'm not going to guarantee anything anytime soon, but if you happen to hear a lyric from a song slipped in here or there, drop us an e-mail or comment and we'll probably award you on a points system... with an indefinite prize...

Also, as promised, here's the link for Scaachi's always-entertaining blog: Check it out and enjoy! And remember, we're wondering what you guys think about a book/movie/band of the week. Leave us your thoughts and your freaky first-day-of-school stories or life-changing summer stories... Remember, fill in the blank. I finally realized that _________. And we'll have a good time laughing at you - I mean laughing at them! ahem, next episode.

Okay? Okay.
Love always,

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Unedited Podcast 14: Customer Dissatisfaction

So, after a month long disappearance, we're back in the saddle again. This week, we're talking about customer service and sharing stories about its hazards. Feel free to join in with your own rants and tell us about your summer!

To direct-download the episode, right click here or the title of this post OR look to the left sidebar on this blog for instructions on how to get the episodes to download directly to your computer automatically through iTunes.


Monday, August 11, 2008

As Promised...

Hey everyone, hopefully you guys have been enjoying the podcasts so far! Megan and I have been thinking hard about new topics for our next few podcasts. If you have any suggestions - suggest them! I'll be gone for the next week to Vancouver (I hope that doesn't put a damper on anyone's big plans to listen to our podcast, haha) so we'll have plenty of time to plan out our next episode! Also, if you're interested in co-hosting or coming in to be our guest give us a holler.

And now that I'm done dishing the goods, as promised, the site to the BBC news on Titan is at: Check it out!

Thanks for listening.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Unedited Podcast 13: Folk You

This week, we hear some listener feedback about evolution, Titan's moon and Jesus, and then return to lighter discussions as we discuss Folk Fest and the proper way to stand in line. You've all watched someone jump the line or squeeze their way to the front; here's a chance to vent, or confess that you budge all the time, or both. Also, what other little things drive you crazy? Let us know in comments.

To direct-download this podcast, right-click here or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... OR subscribe to iTunes using the instructions on our blog.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Unedited Podcast 12: Viva La Evolution (Part 3)

This week, we talk about evolution versus Adam and Eve with a great guest host. Jordan joins us to discuss Darwin, where evolution has gone and where it may take us next. The podcast is a little late, but it's a few minutes longer than usual to make up for it. Hopefully it was worth the wait; tell us what you think!

To direct download, Right Click here or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... You can also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes to get automatic updates and instructions how to do that are now in the side bar.




Sunday, July 6, 2008

Unedited Podcast 11: After Life (Part 2)

In the second part of our religion discussion, we hear from listeners and talk about the different views of the after life. Such a broad subject can only be touched upon, however, so let us know what YOU think and we'll talk about it in the next podcast. Also this episode, we have our first listener-submitted Fake Fact! Next in the series is an episode on Evolution (with a guest host!?).

To direct download this podcast, you can right-click here or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... OR you can go to the iTunes store, search unedited, choose the podcast with the tree and click SUBSCRIBE and it will automatically update your ipod with the latest episode. While you're there, feel free to review the podcast.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Unedited Podcast 10: Science v.s. Religion Part 1

Our first double-digit podcast tackles the conflicts and similarities of science and religion. Part one of the discussion covers medicine, god's will and the seven new commandments. Part two is still to come and could include you (yes, you). Give us your feedback and comments on the topics of evolution and the afterlife and you may be featured in the next episode!

To direct-download this episode, Right Click here (or the title of this post) and choose Save Target As... OR go to iTunes, search unedited, choose the podcast with the tree icon and click Subscribe!


Monday, June 23, 2008

Unedited Podcast 9: Sunday School?

This week, Unedited tackles the topic of whether or not kids should be forced to go to church by their parents. Should parents have control over the religious practices of their children? What about rights and choices? Let us know what you think.

To download the episode directly, Right click here or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... OR go to Itunes and subscribe to the podcast for automatic updates; we're now the podcast with the tree icon. :)



Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Unedited Podcast 8: The MetamorPHAsis on the Wrong SyllAble

The eighth episodes discusses transformations, growth and changes and, well... rambles. Also, question: should we make these podcasts every other week instead of weekly?

To direct download, right click here and or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... OR go to iTunes and subscribe there for automatic updates.


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Unedited Podcast 7: Fashion Foward

Do you wear your clothes, or do your clothes wear you? How much does our wardrobe express who we are as individuals? We explore these questions on this week's episode.
(Tip: Make sure you stick around for bonus material after the final guitar....)

To download this episode, Right Click and choose Save Target As... here or on the title of this post, OR go to iTunes, search Unedited and subscribe to the polka-dot podcast for automatic updates.


Friday, May 30, 2008

Unedited Podcast 6: Things that Go Bump in the Night

Episode 6 covers the scarier aspects of human nature; what makes someone murder their family? Why is violence entertaining to some people? We open up this broad topic for discussion with Hannah as our lovely guest host, and we have a warm-and-fuzzy Fake Fact of the Week.

To download the episode, right click here (or the post title) and choose Save Target As...
OR subscribe to our feed on iTunes to recieve automatic updates when each new episode appears. (If you're over there, feel free to write a review of the podcast! Hint, hint)


ROSY NOTE: Wow. I say "anyways" a lot. Meh, enjoy everyone! (not... each other. The podcast)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Unedited Podcast 5: Balancing Acts

Our fifth episode (or, fourth, depending on how you look at it) covers the importance/challenges of striking a balance between friends and family time, as well as somehow briefly covering most of the season finales going on this week...? Melissa guest stars and, as always, we have a new Fake Fact of the Week.

Right click here or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... to download the podcast, or subscribe to iTunes and it will automatically download with each new episode.


Monday, May 19, 2008

Unedited Podcast 4: ??? Episode

After much aggrivation, several tears, some curses and well... perhaps a backwards miracle, here's our episode on being busy, starring Katie. While it was once 22 minutes and is now just 5, after being - just barely - recovered after a technology failure, its job is just to remind you that we exist. Hopefully we'll have something more for you soon!

Right click and Save Target As... here or the title of this post to download, or subscribe on Itunes. Search under Unedited and find the podcast with the polka dots!

Unedited Team

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Current Song Obsession: This is Twice Now by Lydia (so appropriate...)

So, we have been foiled. Last night, we recorded an awesome podcast and I edited it almost until completion. I was tired and I didn't have time to upload it last night, so I saved and went to bed. This afternoon, I arrive at my laptop to find that - instead of a nearly finished podcast - I have two copies of an old podcast that we never finished. The new one is no where to be found. Even the old backup files are useless and do nothing for me.

Am I frustrated, do you ask?

You have no idea.

So, hopefully we'll have the heart to give it another go soon. Tonight there may be an attempt after our soccer game, but seriously folks. We tried. We were just foiled by technology. And the Gods apparently.

Special thanks go to Katie, who let us interview her and then got ice cream, but no compensation via positive feedback from the listeners. Your contribution has been lost in the oblivion of the computer version of lost socks in the dryer.

I cry.


Saturday, April 26, 2008


Current Song Obsession: Shine by Anna Nalick

All right, Megan here. After almost three weeks without a new podcast, I think it's time for a metaphor. If this podcast were a potential boyfriend, and each episode was a date, he would be wondering why I was avoiding him right about now. What did he do wrong? Why haven't I called him? Insecurity would be rampant, so let me just put it out there: this podcast is not my boyfriend. It's not Rosy's either. However, we are busy (seeing other people). Amazingly busy, in fact, but this should clear up soon (at least a little) when the play I'm in is over.

SHAMELESS PLUG: Lord Beaverbrook High School Spring Shows, called Palette and consisting of 3.5 one act plays, is showing April 30, May 1 and May 2. Tickets are 10 dollars and can be purchased at the door or through me. The show starts at 7:30, be there before then. Seriously, be there.

Really folks, I had a rehearsal until 10:30 last Thursday. How do you expect more episodes? I promise we're making an effort, however. They should be on their way... ish.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

No, We Didn't Forget

Current song obsession: Timeless by Matt Barber

Hey everyone! How are we enjoying the snow...?
I just thought that I'd post a little update just in case you thought we had forgotten about you. I suppose that I should be fessing up that it's basically my fault we haven't had a recent podcast due to the fact that my voice pretty much comes and goes as as it pleases these days. I HATE BEING SICK. You don't really realize how much your blab until you can't.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for their stellar comments and just in case you haven't got the memo (yes, this is for you lazy people... just kidding. It's for the newbies) Unedited is now on iTunes! You can scroll down and click on the "Unedited now on iTunes" heading (betcha didn't see that one coming) or you can search "Unedited" in your iTunes store, click podcasts, and subscribe to podcast with the purple pokadots.


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Unedited Podcast 3: Guest Performances

In honour of the Junos, our third episode discusses Canadian music, with the help of two special guests. (They're two listeners like yourself! Which means that they're our friends...) What are your thoughts on Canadian content, the Junos, and Avril Lavigne? We also have a few shout outs for those who've commented/subscribed and reveal the topic for the next few podcasts.

Right click here and save Target As... to download.


Did you miss us?

Current Song Obsession: Oh Yeah by The Cliks

So, we didn't podcast the week of Spring Break, taking a holiday after all the hard work of two episodes *cough* Rosy was busy *cough* but I'm currently uploading the third Unedited Episode.

Other than kill time while things load, I'd like to invite everyone to suggest things we should talk about on our podcast. We have several ideas of our own, of course, but we're always open to suggestions. As well, if you send us emails, it's likely - as long as you don't tell us not to - they could be read in the next episode (# 4) so... low budget fame is easy to obtain if you send feedback! ;)



Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Unedited Now on iTunes

Hey everyone, hopefully Spring Break hasn't been too hard on you?

In lieu of our two previous surprisingly successful podcasts ("successful" used loosely here - we're just going to forget about our minor recording issues...), we have some exciting - at least, in our opinion - news. Unedited is now on iTunes (hurray!) and so you can subscribe to the podcast directly by clicking the title of this Blog. It should, in theory, bring you to our podcast page in your iTunes store where you can - pay attention now - click on the "subscribe" button. NOTE: If you do not have iTunes, this could be an issue.

By subscribing on iTunes, episodes should upload directly onto your iTunes when they're updated. The action will also get our podcast more recognition, so to speak.


Friday, March 21, 2008

Unedited Podcast 2: Celebrity Break Down

Current Song Obsession: So Nice So Smart by Kimya Dawson

All right, so we're going two for two. I thought perhaps we would have to miss a week, but we managed to put together another podcast this Friday for your listening pleasure. This week, the main discussion was celebrities. Are they using their fame for good or bad? Who do we look up to, and why? What's with the constant gossip? We also mention some of the feedback we got from the first episode and have a fresh Fake Fact of the Week.

To pick up this week's Unedited, you can right-click here or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... and download it. Comments can be left on this post or sent to We'd love to hear from you and feel free to send us your own rant about celebrities.

Again, note: If you want to get the podcast onto your ipod to listen to it, first download the episode to your computer, then right-click the file and choose Open With, then click iTunes. It should then open in your iTunes library like a normal music file.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Unedited Podcast Episode 1: Intros and Internet Free for All

Well, the day has finally come and I'm actually posting a real live podcast. If you right-click here and choose Save Target As, you should be able to download the first episode of Unedited. *confetti* (If you have issues, leave a comment and try again later, as our provider is great and free, but also not perfect.)

In this first episode, we introduce ourselves, why we started this project and discuss our first topic: the internet. Each podcast will include a main discussion, a fake fact of the week and - of course - us. We'll also try to keep them pretty short. Neither of us have done anything like this before, so the audio quality isn't tops, but it should only get better from here. In theory, we should get more interesting too.

If you have any comments, questions, feedback or complaints about the podcast (or downloading it) leave a comment on this post or send an email to We'd love to hear from you.


(Note: If you want to get the podcast onto your ipod to listen to it, first download it to your computer, then right-click the file and choose Open With, then click iTunes. It should then open in your iTunes library like a normal music file.)

ROSY NOTE: Hey guys just a heads up: while Megan is incredible and manages to seamlessly patch up choppy sections, I would just like everyone to note how incredibly OUT-TO-LUNCH we managed to make ourselves sound. We aren't that odd! Honest! Also, excuse the fact that we were a bit inarticulate at times - at comes when you're nervous and thinking on the spot and jumping to conclusions (like the one that people can read our minds and thus know where we're headed...).

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Votives = Voting Motives

Current Song Obsession: "I Don't Believe You" by The Magnetic Fields

Elections. There's a lot of those going on right now. Many teenagers hate politics and therefore aren't too excited about this; the general response is a yawn. However, democracy has given us a lot of things, like freedoms, rights, American Idol- Okay, I'm willing to put aside certain... misuses of voting to see that democracy is generally a good thing. A great number of people throughout history and around the world have died, protested, begged and pleaded for the right to vote. The funny thing is that, here in North America, we're a bit hesitant to get off our butts and fill in a ballot, especially as young voters. Today, a teacher asked me why I thought this was and I think people call into one of three catagories:
a) I'm too stupid to vote, which covers those who don't understand or aren't informed about politics, the voting system and the issues. (In my "expert" opinion, very few are truly too stupid to vote, though.)
b) Voting is too stupid, which is the catagory for those who thinks politics/voting/etc is too corrupt to change anything and that voting is a waste of time, and finally...
c) I don't care (enough), for those who can't be bothered to vote because they're busy, or don't check the candidates' websites to get informed because they need the time to floss their teeth.

All right, so you've already figured out where I stand. Tell me what you think. There's a poll on the lefthand side where you can even exercise your right to vote and the comments link is just below this post. Give me a shout, tell me I'm wrong, agree completely, I don't care; just say something! (But also note that your ability to do so was assured by democracy... I'm just sayin')

Also, News: Hopefully we'll have a real, live podcast up up soon! The plans are in progress and there is talk of getting together quite soon, and once we have it recorded, it should only be a matter of time before we have something to show for it.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Laws Over Morals?

To provide you, our dearest reader, with a bit of cohesive-ness, the Unedited Team has not only pledged to cough up some nice disputable topics for you to mull over, but also a bit of pop-culture in the form of music (and in this post's case - movies!). And so I'll start this blog off with a bang - or rather with something a bit softer (okay! Bad, I know...), as my current song obsession comes in the form of Radiohead's "High and Dry" from The Bends, and also "15 steps" from their newest album called In Rainbows. While I fully understand that "High and Dry" is most likely talking about someone getting, well, high - the cool thing about these two songs is that, unlike a lot of Radiohead's stuff, they both have a substantial beat. Weird? Well, okay, not very. Beats are pretty normal I guess. But breathe a sigh of relief - today's blog isn't about the fixes in my brain, but rather about law and morals and which one should take precedence over the other.

This idea actually came about when I was watching Gone Baby Gone with my sister today - awesome, by the way - where (without ruining the movie) the controversy of breaking the law for good came up. Without bringing up euthanasia and the death penalty, the question still exists: is it okay to break the law if your morals are 100% true? Is it "okay" to kidnap a child from abusive parents? Is it okay for us to commit murder, if we are murdering rapists and child molesters? There are a hundred variables in this of course, as always. How can you tell your morals are straight? Who says what is morally sound? Can you make choices for other people?

What do you think?


The Anti-Episode

No need to download this file (although in the future, I understand that clicking the title of this post should allow you to download a podcast). I'm testing out our feed, site, software and my own ability to follow tutorials. is a great resource that we've been using extensively. I highly recommend it! Hopefully - if this works - it will be a sign that the REAL podcasts are on their way.


EDIT: After some fiddling around with it, I have successfully uploaded a 10 second clip of my own voice. This is progress, folks!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Testing, Testing...

Welcome to Unedited (or, at least, the blog for it...) What is Unedited? Well, right now it's just an idea, but we're hoping to make it a podcast as well. We're two teenagers who tend to have opinions about the what's going on - from pop culture to genetics - and we're willing to bet that you have a few things to say too. In a society where apathy is widely considered cool, we invite you to be passionate about something, driven by something, and to talk about something like it matters. That's what we intend to do. Tune in to our podcast (once we get one up!) to learn more about our plans.
