Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Unedited Podcast 17: Baby Blues

After a short disappearance (sorry!), we return to tackle the issue of abortion. Where do you stand in the pro-life, pro-choice debate? We talk about that and related issues, as well as discuss the comments we received on our last episode about cliques. If you didn't catch the last issue, check it out and here what some of your fellow listeners had to say; thanks to everyone who left feedback! Also, sorry that this episode is so long. It was a big topic and we had several shout outs to make.

As per usual, you can direct download the episode by right-clicking here or the title of this post and choosing Save Target As... OR you can just follow the instructions in the left side bar for how to subscribe using iTunes so that you can have them download straight to your MP3 player.

The article mentioned in the episode can be found here, at YA for Obama and titled Choice and Extremism. It's by Lauren McLaughlin and she makes quite the convincing arguement. Check it out; they have a lot of interesting articles up, actually.




Anonymous said...

Great episode! Ok... let me start by saying I'm Pro-Choice. You both hit a lot of the points I'd make in an argument against a Pro-Lifer... but I understand their viewpoint, too. Having children of my own, it's SO hard to imagine ending that little life before it even emerges, especially after all the trouble we had with our second one's health after she was born (you'll remember that, Megan.) Still, overriding all this is my belief that a person's body is their domain, and they can choose to do with it what they wish. I mean, what if they were assaulted and got pregnant - would anyone really want to be reminded for 9 months about this, then go through a bunch more physical pain at the end of it? They need to have the choice.

A recommendation for you - since you're talking about genetically-made-to-order children, have you seen the movie GATTACA? (If not, come borrow it from me, since you cleverly have deduced my identity from my thinly veiled handle.) It's an excellent sci-fi ethical thriller about the struggle for a non-genetically modified person to break into the world of priviledge accorded to the GM-"superhumans". ... and Ethan Hawke is never bad, either.

Anonymous said...

Wha? I don't remember leaving an anonymous comment, sorry. Looking back, I saw one anonymous comment, a couple podcasts back on September 28th, about sugar and exercise. Now, I don't particularly remember leaving a mysterious, anonymous message on your website on my birthday, but hey, who knows? =P

So I'm not gonna get into the whole abortion thing.

/scratch, scratch/

I wrote that BEFORE hearing the end of the podcast. Fine, I'll leave my opinion.

The fetus should be allowed to be aborted until it's 18 years old.

The point I actually wanted to make was that even though you guys claim to be Unedited, you do obviously edit your podcasts. Totally ruins your credibility. =P
But, seriously. You seem to be worried about going off-topic and making your podcast too long.
You should see my other podcasts - each episode is over an hour long full of digressions and god knows what, and I still find time to listen to every single one. I figure: let the tape roll, and whenever you're done everything you wanted to talk about (be it in 30 minutes, or 40), just post what you got.

We'll listen.

Sunny said...

Hey team,
Ok I know it's been a while, and this comment is kinda late but hey I'm in major backlog mode at the moment so yeah... Forgive me?
Anyways, you said you'd like a pro lifers opinion so I'll offer you mine. First off, I'm not at all I e of those people who go around shouting "abortion is murder! Repent!". Fanatics who organize rallys and wave signs generally puts off morefrom their cause. So in order to remove myself from that kind of activist, I'll use the term pro-responsibility. So as opposed to being the "abortion is murder" i'd be seen saying "take responsibility for your actions". Life to me is probably the most valueable resources we as living organisms can produce. The destruction of human life is always a tragedy and can normally be avoided by simply taking a moment to concider the concequences ofyour actions. Why do most people want abortions? Because they made a choice to use the function of their bodys designed (or even evolved for the science onlys) for reproduction as intruments for entertainment. Now of course wether you believe in God or evolution, the simple reason sexual activity is enjoyable is to encourage reproduction and the continuation of our exsistance here on earth. Could you imagine if there was no such incentive? People would have died out long ago as they would focus more on their careers or livelyhoods veiwing reproduction as merely a burden (think menstration). Getting back to the main point, abortion would not be a problem if people did not misuse their bodys natural functions without being prepared for the intended outcome. Because even though as a society we promote safe sex, the only way to be totally safe is not too. Really I'm trying to look back at the cause of the abortion issue rather than abortion itself.
Alright now that would be fine and all if we lived in a reasonable and fine moral world. But of course we don't and we all have our flaws. To adress another point on this issue, I believe that there are time where an abortion is acecptable. These would be rare cases of incidents of rape, when the baby will suffer severe defects or when the lifeform becomes a danger to the host. In these cases and perhaps a few more obscure ones the mother would not be responsible for deatruction of life, and would be in the best interest to carry out the proceedure. Do not confuse this with typical abortions who want one for the convenice of there life. They already had the chance to be careless and free, but decided to take a chance and found misfortune. To these people I say, I'm all for pro-choice, but make that choice before it involves the life of anothers life.

Well hopefully that made up for some of my tardiness, I'll try to do better in the future and comment on casts that are more relevant!!