Sunday, October 19, 2008

Concerning Our Credibility

Dear Unedited podcast listeners,

I realize that it has been a while since I've said hi - at least on the blog - as I've just left it all up to Megan to maintain it as of late. Which is not cool because I am supposed to be the social-relations end of things and Megan's supposed to be the techy one (roles that neither of us really decided on) but, well, what can you do?

Any-hoo, Anton brought up the issue that we really aren't "unedited", in lieu of what is claimed by the title of the podcast and so I just wanted to clear up some misgivings that may surround the issue. True, we do edit our podcasts but as Anton guessed, it is mainly to cut out our fifteen-minute-long rants. However, just for you to keep in mind Anton: your podcast title is more of a "guideline," as you may, or, it speaks much more for the content and less for the actual podcast.

The point: our subject matter and more importantly our opinions are unedited. The actual podcast?

Well, let's just say it's in your best interest.

Have a great week!

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