Friday, March 21, 2008

Unedited Podcast 2: Celebrity Break Down

Current Song Obsession: So Nice So Smart by Kimya Dawson

All right, so we're going two for two. I thought perhaps we would have to miss a week, but we managed to put together another podcast this Friday for your listening pleasure. This week, the main discussion was celebrities. Are they using their fame for good or bad? Who do we look up to, and why? What's with the constant gossip? We also mention some of the feedback we got from the first episode and have a fresh Fake Fact of the Week.

To pick up this week's Unedited, you can right-click here or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... and download it. Comments can be left on this post or sent to We'd love to hear from you and feel free to send us your own rant about celebrities.

Again, note: If you want to get the podcast onto your ipod to listen to it, first download the episode to your computer, then right-click the file and choose Open With, then click iTunes. It should then open in your iTunes library like a normal music file.



Anonymous said...

Hey you guys, it's sounding pretty good. It's a good source of entertainment to listen to you guys and i found my self laughing a lot too, which is why it's so entertaining! When you guys tell people to email their thoughts or whatnot, will you comment on their comments on the next podcast?
Anyways kudos to you guys and I'm for sure waiting for the next episode.

The Unedited Team said...

Hey Jessica, thanks for the comment and the encouragement (it keeps us going). And yes, at this point, if we get comments they'll definitely be mentioned in our next podcast. If you'd prefer otherwise, just give us a heads up.


Sunny said...

Well we all have our opinions on the celebrity model. Personally its a good thing Dr.s don't get to much publicity. Think of what it did to Dr. Phil! *shutter* And Now I'm curious as to what Celebrity Megan would fantasize about, but maybe there is a reason for some censorship on the internet.

The Unedited Team said...

I was using the royal "we" in that sense. When I said everyone had secret fantasies, I meant everyone BUT me, of course.... :P
