Thursday, November 20, 2008

Unedited Podcast 20: Triumphant Return!

So, after an extra-long absence, we have an extra-long podcast to remind you that we still love you. Also, because a) we got comments! and b) we got ourselves a guest host! This week, Will joins us to talk about the US election, Obama, Palin and how not to use a cell phone. Let us know what you think and feel free to complain or compliment.

To direct download this episode, right-click here (or the title of this post) and choose Save Target As... OR check our left side bar for instructions on just how easy it is to subscribe to iTunes so that the episodes download automatically to your listening device.


P.S. See prior post for Jordan's extra-long comment on global warming.


The Unedited Team said...

I, like, say "like" like, way too much.
P.S. I'm pretty proud of this episode.

Anonymous said...

Okay so, first off, McCain is EVIL. Just thowing that out there. In my opinion he would have been George Bush mark II. And Palin was only pulled into the election because of her looks. She makes for a great public relations rep for the republicans so instead of "ugly-ass old McCain" they had "former Miss America slut" Palin.
And you guys missed one of the biggest points in the election!! The War in Iraq!! The majority of people probably decided to vote solely because of the war than anything else. McCain wanted to extend the war, and Obama wants to stop it. (wether he can or not remains to be seen, but he will try). Most people in the states who have half a brain (which rules out Alabama) wanted the war to end and would have been damned if McCain was elected. He probably would have been the downfall of the USA, and as a result, Canada too. Hopefully Obama will be the best thing that ever happened to america since Eisenhower and Kennedy. He needs to kick-start the economy, end the war, re-vamp NASA, and spend the rest of his free time not getting shot.

That's it. No essay this time.
keep up the good work!

SJR said...

I think there should be some live music played on your podcasts. Also, congratulations on your latest "Grip" article!

Sunny said...

There was probably alot of undue abuse to the republicans in that one. Imagine trying to save the party after The disgrace your presidential winner. Not an easy comeback. McCain should be given alot more credit than he's had. Really, I think the reason why he suffered in the final tally was that first, he was constantly associated with Bush, second, that because of bush people wanted a different party all togeather, and finnaly, he's not black or a woman. Really things were stacked against him from the start, though I believe as far as presidential candidates go, a pretty good guy. Perhaps not the revolutionary figure that Americans wanted and that's fine too. I'm not saying wether I think he'd make a better president or not, just that he should be given a little more respect. Let's just forgo the political bashing shall we and leave that up to our coalitionists in eastern Canada...I'm sure everyone has words in some form or another for them. Perhaps a good topic for your Christmas podcast release?