Friday, September 19, 2008

Unedited Podcast 16: Social Security in Numbers

This week, we discuss cliques, popularity, geekdom and where we all connect. What group do you belong to? Do you have to belong to any group at all? Plus, of course, we have a fake fact of the week and an interesting... theory after the final music.
(Note: If you're part of a certain clique and we've offended you, tell us! We want to hear about it and you can set the record straight.)

As per usual, to download the podcast directly, right click here or the title of the post and choose Save Target As... OR you can go to iTunes and subscribe so that it downloads directly to your computer every time we post a new episode. (See left side bar for super easy instructions.)



Anonymous said...

I've always found the whole "where people end up after high school" thing interesting - I see certain cliques having its 'members' going all in one direction, where others go a completely different way. Take the "Alpha" group... often, they don't end up on the "Alpha" end of things later in life... even a couple years later in life. Perhaps they try to dominate high school life because they have an innate sense that their reign on the top of the social food chain is coming to a quick end. (Perhaps that is attributing too many SmartPoints to them, though.)

As for humour - hey, if you can't go through life and have a good laugh (as often as you can) it gets too stressful. Relax, enjoy the ride that is life - a slight change in perspective can turn (almost) anything from stressful to amusing... this might reduce your therapy bill later in life.

Unknown said...

When I lived in Australia, I went to a private girls' school where cliques were a problem, not just a way of having friends... the girls were virtually all bitchy about another group regardless of where they came from. At lunchtime, we sat with our "groups" in a circle on the field, this way having it near impossible to make new friends. I am glad I live someplace where it is easy to mingle and talk to new people usually without being judged straight off on the friendship group I am in.


PS keep up the excellent work.

Anonymous said...

Hey I just came across your podcast recently.
I'm from Australia, I have to agree with the previous comment but i think this issue can be found anywhere. I've actually experienced what it's like to be in both the "alpha" group and the not-so popular group. Now I go to such a small school you have no choice but to pretend to like everyone, although I know for a fact that these group of girls hate me already. It's really silly how some people judge so quickly.

Anyway your podcast is wonderful :)