Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Unedited Podcast 17: Baby Blues

After a short disappearance (sorry!), we return to tackle the issue of abortion. Where do you stand in the pro-life, pro-choice debate? We talk about that and related issues, as well as discuss the comments we received on our last episode about cliques. If you didn't catch the last issue, check it out and here what some of your fellow listeners had to say; thanks to everyone who left feedback! Also, sorry that this episode is so long. It was a big topic and we had several shout outs to make.

As per usual, you can direct download the episode by right-clicking here or the title of this post and choosing Save Target As... OR you can just follow the instructions in the left side bar for how to subscribe using iTunes so that you can have them download straight to your MP3 player.

The article mentioned in the episode can be found here, at YA for Obama and titled Choice and Extremism. It's by Lauren McLaughlin and she makes quite the convincing arguement. Check it out; they have a lot of interesting articles up, actually.

