Friday, March 21, 2008

Unedited Podcast 2: Celebrity Break Down

Current Song Obsession: So Nice So Smart by Kimya Dawson

All right, so we're going two for two. I thought perhaps we would have to miss a week, but we managed to put together another podcast this Friday for your listening pleasure. This week, the main discussion was celebrities. Are they using their fame for good or bad? Who do we look up to, and why? What's with the constant gossip? We also mention some of the feedback we got from the first episode and have a fresh Fake Fact of the Week.

To pick up this week's Unedited, you can right-click here or the title of this post and choose Save Target As... and download it. Comments can be left on this post or sent to We'd love to hear from you and feel free to send us your own rant about celebrities.

Again, note: If you want to get the podcast onto your ipod to listen to it, first download the episode to your computer, then right-click the file and choose Open With, then click iTunes. It should then open in your iTunes library like a normal music file.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Unedited Podcast Episode 1: Intros and Internet Free for All

Well, the day has finally come and I'm actually posting a real live podcast. If you right-click here and choose Save Target As, you should be able to download the first episode of Unedited. *confetti* (If you have issues, leave a comment and try again later, as our provider is great and free, but also not perfect.)

In this first episode, we introduce ourselves, why we started this project and discuss our first topic: the internet. Each podcast will include a main discussion, a fake fact of the week and - of course - us. We'll also try to keep them pretty short. Neither of us have done anything like this before, so the audio quality isn't tops, but it should only get better from here. In theory, we should get more interesting too.

If you have any comments, questions, feedback or complaints about the podcast (or downloading it) leave a comment on this post or send an email to We'd love to hear from you.


(Note: If you want to get the podcast onto your ipod to listen to it, first download it to your computer, then right-click the file and choose Open With, then click iTunes. It should then open in your iTunes library like a normal music file.)

ROSY NOTE: Hey guys just a heads up: while Megan is incredible and manages to seamlessly patch up choppy sections, I would just like everyone to note how incredibly OUT-TO-LUNCH we managed to make ourselves sound. We aren't that odd! Honest! Also, excuse the fact that we were a bit inarticulate at times - at comes when you're nervous and thinking on the spot and jumping to conclusions (like the one that people can read our minds and thus know where we're headed...).